Shojiro NISHIO's Home Page
Shojiro NISHIO, Ph.D.
President, Osaka University
TEL: +81-6-6879-7000
1-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
President Shojiro NISHIO received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. He became a Full Professor at Osaka University in August 1992 and was conferred the title of Distinguished Professor in July 2013 for his outstanding academic achievements. Prior to assuming his post as President in August 2015, he also served a number of positions at Osaka University including the Founding Director of the Cybermedia Center (April 2000 to August 2003), the Dean of Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (August 2003 to August 2007), an Executive Vice President (August 2007 to August 2011), and the Director of Multimedia Data Engineering Laboratory in the Department of Multimedia Engineering at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (April 2002 to August 2015).
Dr. Nishio acted as the Program Director in the Area of Information and Networking for the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) from April 2001 to March 2008, and acted as the Program Director (May 2010 to July 2015) and a Specially Appointed Fellow (April 2012 to March 2013) for the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
His areas of expertise in database systems include concurrency control, knowledge discovery, deductive and object-oriented databases, multimedia systems, and database system architectures for advanced networks such as broadband networks and mobile computing environment.
Dr. Nishio has co-authored or co-edited more than 55 books and more than 650 refereed journal or conference papers. His journal papers have been published in the Journal of Computer and System Sciences, International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, Data & Knowledge Engineering, IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting, ACM Trans. on Internet Technology, and ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications. His research works have been presented at VLDB, EDBT, WWW, IEEE ICDE, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE ICDM, Pervasive, ACM MobiCom, IEEE PerCom, ACM CIKM, and ACM SIGIR.
Dr. Nishio has served as a member of the Program or Organizing Committees for more than 100 international conferences including VLDB (11 times), ACM SIGMOD (3 times), IEEE ICDE, EDBT, DOOD, DASFAA, IEEE ICDCS, and IEEE Infocom. He served as the Program Committee (PC) Co-Chairs for several international conferences including DOOD 1989, PNPM 1989, ISOTAS 1992, VLDB 1995, AMCP 1998, and IEEE ICDE 2005.
He served as the General Co-Chair of Bio-ADIT 2004 and Bio-ADIT 2006, the Far East Conference Chair of VLDB 1993, the Area Coordinator of Japan for VLDB (1986-1994), the Asia and Australasia Area Coordinator of VLDB 2005, a member of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering (Asian Coordinator) (1992-1997), the Vice-Chair and PC Chair of the Japan Chapter of ACM SIGMOD (1994-1995), a member of the DOOD Steering Committee (1989-2000), a member of the Board of Directors of the VLDB Endowment (2002-2007), and the Asia and Australasia Area Coordinator of ACM SIGMOD 2007.
He served as an editor of "IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering", "VLDB Journal", "ACM Trans. on Internet Technology", and "Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery", and is currently serving as a member of the editorial boards of "Data & Knowledge Engineering" and "New Generation Computing".
He has led large-scale national research projects funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) under the theme of "Database Approach for Advanced Multimedia Content Processing (AMCP)" (1997-2001), "The 21st Century Center of Excellence Program" funded by the MEXT under the theme of "New Information Technologies for Building a Networked Symbiosis Environment" (2002-2007), and the CSTP (Council Program of Science and Technology Policy) Coordination Program of Science and Technology Projects funded by the JST under the theme of "Very Large Information Integration and Application Platform" (2007-2009).
Dr. Nishio received the 2001 Achievement Award from the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), the 2004 Achievement Award from Funai Foundation for Information Technology (FFIT), the 2010 Distinguished Achievement and Contributions Award from the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), the 2010 Distinguished Achievement and Contributions Award from the Database Society of Japan (DBSJ), the 2012 Distinguished Achievement Award from Tateisi (OMRON) Science and Technology Foundation, and the 2013 Distinguished Achievement and Contributions Award from IEICE.
He has also received various best paper awards from learned societies including the 1995 Annual Best Paper Award from the Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence, the 2003 Annual Best Paper Award from IEICE, the 2005 Annual Best Paper Award from DBSJ, and the 2007, 2008, 2010 Annual Best Paper Awards from IPSJ that honored the best paper among all journal papers published by that learned society in a particular year. Further, he has received several best paper awards at international conferences including ICMU 2005, CISIS 2009, AP2PS 2009, ICMU 2010, ANT 2010, and 3PGCIC 2012.
Dr. Nishio has been designated as a Person of Cultural Merit by the Government of Japan in 2016. The award is among the highest national distinctions and honors individuals with outstanding service for the advancement and development of culture. He previously received the Medal with Purple Ribbon from the Emperor of Japan in 2011 as well as the Distinguished Achievement and Contributions Award in the field of information science and technology from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan in 2014.
Dr. Nishio is a member of eight learned societies, including IEEE (Life Fellow), ACM, IPSJ (Fellow, a member of the board of trustees: 1999-2000, Vice President: 2012-2013, and President 2017-2018), IEICE (Honorary Member, Fellow), DBSJ (a member of the board of trustees and auditors: 2002-2011, President: 2012-2013), and The Japan Federation of Engineering Societies (Fellow).
He has been a member of the Science Council of Japan since March 2006 and acted as the Chair of Informatics Area (October 2011 to September 2014).
Research Interests
Database Systems, Distributed Systems, Knowledge Systems, Multimedia Systems, Ambient Information Systems
Major Publications
Selected Journal Articles
- M. Shirakawa, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: IDF for Word N-grams, ACM Trans. on Information Systems, Vol. 36, No. 1, Article No. 5, June 2017.
- D. Amagata, Y. Sasaki, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: Probabilistic Nearest Neighbor Query Processing on Distributed Uncertain Data, Distributed and Parallel Databases, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 259-287, June 2016.
- M. Shirakawa, K. Nakayama, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: Wikipedia-based Semantic Similarity Measurements for Noisy Short Texts Using Extended Naive Bayes, IEEE Trans. on Emerging Topics in Computing, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 205-219, June 2015.
- C. Zhu, L.T. Yang, L. Shu, V.C.M. Leung, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: Insights of Top-k Query in Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 1317-1328, Feb. 2015.
- Y. Okaie, T. Nakano, T. Hara, T. Obuchi, K. Hosoda, Y. Hiraoka, and S. Nishio: Cooperative Target Tracking by a Mobile Bionanosensor Network, IEEE Trans. on Nanobioscience, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp 267-277, Sep. 2014.
- Y. Komai, Y. Sasaki, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: KNN Query Processing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 1090-1103, May 2014.
- Y. Okaie, T. Nakano, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: Distributing Nanomachines for Minimizing Mean Residence Time of Molecular Signals in Bionanosensor Networks, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 218-227, Jan. 2014.
- T. Yoshihisa and S. Nishio: A Division-Based Broadcasting Method Considering Chanel Bandwidths for NVoD Services, IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 62-71, Mar. 2013.
- W. Fang, F. Liu, F. Yang, L. Shu, and S. Nishio: Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communication for Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 2185-2192, Nov. 2010.
- T. Hara, K. Maeda, Y. Ishi, W. Uchida, and S. Nishio: Cooperative Caching by Clients Constructing a Peer-to-Peer Network for Push-based Broadcast, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 229-247, Feb. 2010.
- M. Erdmann, K. Nakayama, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: Improving the Extraction of Bilingual Terminology from Wikipedia, ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, Vol. 5, No. 4, Article 31, pp. 31-1-31-17, Oct. 2009.
- T. Yoshihisa, M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio: A Scheduling Protocol for Continuous Media Data Broadcasting With Large-scale Data Segmentation, IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 780-788, Dec. 2007.
- T. Yoshihisa, M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio: A Broadcasting Scheme Considering Units to Play Continuous Media Data, IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting, Vol. 53, No, 3, pp. 628-636, Sept. 2007.
- J. Pei, J. Han, H. Lu, S. Nisho, T. Tang, and D. Yang: H-Mine: Fast and Space-Preserving Frequent Pattern Mining in Large Databases, IIE Transactions, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 593-695, June 2007.
- T. Yoshihisa, M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio: A Scheduling Scheme for Continuous Media Data Broadcasting with a Single Channel, IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 1-10, Mar. 2006.
- K. Harumoto, T. Nakano, S. Fukumura, S. Shimojo, S., and S. Nishio: Effective Web Browsing through Content Delivery Adaptation, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 571-600, Nov. 2005.
- H. Hayashi, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: Updated Data Dissemination for Updating Old Replicas in Ad Hoc Networks, ACM/Springer Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 273-283, Sept. 2005.
- T. Hara, N. Murakami, and S. Nishio: Replica Allocation for Correlated Data Items in Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks, ACM SIGMOD Record, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 38-43, Mar. 2004.
- Budiarto, S. Nishio, and M. Tsukamoto: Data Management Issues in Mobile and Peer-to-Peer Environments, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 41, Nos. 2-3, pp. 183-204, June 2002.
- E. Yajima, T. Hara, T., M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio.: Scheduling and Caching Strategies for Correlated Data in Push-based Information Systems, ACM Applied Computing Review (ACM ACR), Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.22-28, July 2001.
- E. Yajima, E., T. Hara, M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio.: Scheduling Strategies of Correlated Data in Push-Based Systems, Information Systems and Operational Research (INFOR), Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 152-173, May 2001.
- S. Nishio: Opening up New Vistas on Advanced Multimedia Content Processing, New Generation Computing, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 295-303, Sept. 2000.
- J. Han, S. Nishio, H. Kawano, and W. Wang: Generalization-based Data Mining in Object-Oriented Databases Using an Object Cube Model, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 25, Nos. 1-2, pp. 55-97, March 1998.
- T. Hara, K. Harumoto, M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio: Database Migration: A New Architecture for Transaction Processing in Broadband Networks, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp.839-854, Sept.-Oct. 1998.
- M. Tsukamoto and S. Nishio: An Inheritance System with Regular Expressions and IS-A Relation, Journal of Systems Integration, Vol. 7, pp. 349-379, Sept. 1997.
- C.-L. Goh, M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio: Knowledge Discovery in Deductive Databases with Large Deduction Results: The First Step, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp.952-956, Dec. 1996.
- S. Masuyama, T. Ibaraki, S. Nishio, and T. Hasegawa: Shortest Semijoin Schedule for a Local Area Distributed Database Systems, IEEE Trans. on Software Eng., Vol. SE-13, No. 5, pp. 602-606, May 1987.
- J. A. Brzozowski and S. Nishio: On Serializability, Inter. J. of Comput. and Infor. Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 387-403, Dec. 1985.
- S. Nishio, T. Ibaraki, H. Miyajima, and T. Hasegawa: Evaluation of the File Redundancy in Distributed Database Systems, IEEE Trans. on Software Eng., Vol. SE-11, No. 2, pp. 199-205, Feb. 1985.
- S. Nishio, T. Kameda, and T. Minoura: Multi-version Concurrency Control Scheme for a Database System, J. of Comput. and Syst. Sciences, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 207-224, Oct. 1984.
Selected International Conference Papers
- T. Tsuda, Y. Komai, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: Signature-Based Top-K Query Processing Against Data Replacement Attacks in Manets, Proc. of Int'l Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2015), pp. 130-139 (Sept. 2015).
- M. Shirakawa, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: N-gram IDF: A Global Term Weighting Scheme Based on Information Distance, Proc. of Int'l World Wide Web Conf. (WWW 2015), pp. 960-970 (May 2015).
- M. Shirakawa, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: MLJ: Language-Independent Real-Time Search of Tweets Reported by Media Outlets and Journalists, Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2014), pp. 1605-1608 (Sept. 2014).
- M. Iwata, T. Sakai, T. Yamamoto, Y. Chen, Y. Liu, J.-R. Wen, and S. Nishio: Aspectiles: Tile-Based Visualization of Diversified Web Search Results, Proc. of Int'l ACM SIGIR Conf. on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (Aug. 2012).
- Y. Arase, X. Xie, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: Mining People's Trips from Large Scale Geo-tagged Photos, Proc. of ACM Int'l Conf. on Multimedia (ACM MM 2010), pp. 133-142 (Oct. 2010).
- Y. Arase, X. Xie, M. Duan, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: A Game Based Approach to Assign Geographical Relevance to Web Images, Proc. of Int'l World Wide Web Conf. (WWW 2009), pp. 811-820 (Apr. 2009).
- M. Ito, K. Nakayama, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: Association Thesaurus Construction Methods based on Link Co-occurrence Analysis For Wikipedia, Proc. of ACM Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2008), pp. 817-826 (Oct. 2008).
- K. Murao, T. Terada, T. Yoshinari, and S. Nishio: A Context-Aware System that Changes Sensor Combinations Considering Energy Consumption, Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2008), LNCS 5013, pp. 197-212 (May 2008).
- Y. Arase, T. Hara, T. Uemukai, and S. Nishio: OPA Browser: A Web Browser for Cellular Phone Users, Proc. of ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2007), pp. 71-80 (Oct. 2007).
- T. Maekawa, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: Image Classification for Mobile Web Browsing, Proc. of Int'l World Wide Web Conf. (WWW 2006), pp. 43-52 (May 2006).
- T. Maekawa, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: A Collaborative Web Browsing System for Multiple Mobile Users, Proc. of IEEE Int'l Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2006), pp. 22-33 (Mar. 2006).
- T. Terada, M. Tsukamoto, K. Hayakawa, T. Yoshihisa, Y. Kishino, S. Nishio, and A. Kashitani: Ubiquitous Chip: a Rule-based I/O Control Device for Ubiquitous Computing, Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2004), pp. 238-253 (Apr. 2004).
- N.M. Su, Y. Sakane, M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio: Rajicon: Remorte PC GUI Operations via Constricted Mobile Interfaces, Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2002), pp. 251-262 (Sept. 2002).
- J. Pei, J. Han, H. Lu, S. Nishio, S. Tang, and D. Yang: H-Mine: Hyper-Structure Mining of Frequent Patterns in Large Databases, Proc. of IEEE Int'l Conf. on Data Mining (ICDM 2001), pp.441-448 (Nov./Dec. 2001).
- R. Sawai, M. Tsukamoto, Y.-H. Loh, T. Terada, and S. Nishio: Functional Properties of Information Filtering, Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2001), pp. 511-520 (Sept. 2001).
- T. Hara, K. Harumoto, M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio: Dynamic Replica Allocation Using Database Migration in Broadband Networks, Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2000), pp. 376-384 (Apr. 2000).
- T. Hara, K. Harumoto, M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio: DB-MAN: A Distributed Database System based on Database Migration in ATM Networks, Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE 1998), pp. 522-531 (Feb. 1998).
- K. Fujikawa, S. Shimojo, T. Matsuura, S. Nishio, and H. Miyahara: Multimedia Presentation System Harmony with Temporal and Active Media, Proc. of USENIX Summer 1991 Conf., pp. 75-94 (June 1991).
- Y. Kusumi, S. Nishio, and T. Hasegawa: File Access Level Optimization Using Page Access Graph on Recursive Query Evaluation, Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 1990), pp. 136-152 (Mar. 1990).
- S. Nishio, T. Ibaraki, H. Miyajima, and T. Hasegawa: File Redundancy Issues in Distributed Database Systems, Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 1983), pp. 275-277 (Nov. 1983).
Selected Books and Book Chapters in English
- K. Matsuo, K. Goto, A. Kanzaki, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: Data Aggregation and Forwarding Route Control for Efficient Data Gathering in Dense Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks, in "Modelling and Processing for Next Generation Big Data Technologies and Applications (F. Xhafa, L. Barolli, A. Barolli, and P. Papajorgji Eds.)," Vol. 4, pp.113-143, Springer-Verlag (Nov. 2014).
- T. Yoshihisa, Y. Hamaguchi, Y. Ishi, Y. Teranishi, T. Hara and S. Nishio: A Sensor Data Aggregation System using Mobile Agents, in "Distributed Networks: Intelligence, Security, and Applications (Q.A. Memon Ed.)," pp. 39-65, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis (July 2013).
- S. Kitajima, T. Hara, T. Terada, and S. Nishio: Filtering Order Adaptation Based on Attractor Selection for Data Broadcasting System (Chapter 8), in "Complex Intelligent Systems and Their Applications (F. Xhafa, L. Barolli, and P.J. Papajorgji Eds.)," Vol. 41, pp. 163-186, Springer-Verlag (Aug. 2010).
- Y. Arase, T. Hara, and S. Nishio: Web Page Adaptation and Presentation for Mobile Phones (Chapter 12), in "Handheld Computing for Mobile Commerce: Applications, Concepts and Technologies (W. Hu and Y. Zuo Eds.)," pp. 240-262, IGI Global (Apr. 2010).
- C.-L. Goh, M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio: Data Mining and Deductive Database (Chapter 14), in "Knowledge-Based Systems, Techniques and Applications (C. T. Leondes, Ed.)," Vol.2, pp. 410-433, Academic Press (July 2000).
- S. Nishio and F. Kishino (Eds.): Advanced Multimedia Content Processing, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1554 (Mar. 1999).
- M. Tsukamoto, R. Kadobayashi, and S. Nishio: Strategies for Query Processing in Mobile Computing (Chapter 22), in "Mobile Computing (T. Imielinski and H.F. Korth Eds.)," pp. 595-620, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1996).
- U. Dayal, P.M.D. Gray, and S. Nishio (Eds.): Proceedings of the Twenty First Int'l Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. (Sept. 1995).
- S. Nishio and A. Yonezawa (Eds.): Object Technologies for Advanced Software, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 742 (Nov. 1993).
- W. Kim, J.-M. Nicolas, and S. Nishio (Eds.): Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, North-Holland (1990).
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